BC Hydro regulator to issue decision on rates for BC’s poor
January 20, 2017
Press Release
The BC Utilities Commission, which regulates the province’s electricity rates, has announced it will issue its decision in BC Hydro’s rate review process on Friday, January 20, 2017.
In its decision, the Commission will determine rate structures and conditions of service for BC Hydro’s residential, business and industrial customers.
The BC Public Interest Advocacy Centre (BCPIAC) is seeking an order that BC Hydro implement programs for low income residential customers including a discounted rate for electricity, low income customer rules, and a crisis intervention fund.
BCPIAC is seeking these programs because low income customers are struggling to pay BC Hydro’s continuously increasing electricity rates, with over 30,000 ratepayers facing disconnection every year.
BC Hydro rates have risen 51 per cent over the last 11 years and are on track to rise an additional 30 per cent over the next eight years.
Following release of the decision, BCPIAC staff lawyer Erin Pritchard can be reached for comment: 604-687-3063.