Energy Poverty & Cost of Utility Services Office Manager Energy Poverty & Cost of Utility Services Office Manager

LNG plants get special deal on Hydro, not the people who need it.

The B.C. Utilities Commission is currently reviewing residential B.C. Hydro rates, something they do periodically. As part of that process, the B.C. Public Interest Advocacy Centre, on behalf of numerous organizations representing low-income British Columbians and seniors on fixed incomes, has spent the last two years trying to win a special discounted B.C. Hydro rate for low-income people.

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Energy Poverty & Cost of Utility Services Office Manager Energy Poverty & Cost of Utility Services Office Manager

Anti-poverty advocates call for BC Hydro to implement an electricity affordability program for BC’s poor

The BC Public Interest Advocacy Centre (BCPIAC) is intervening on behalf of seven organizations in this rare opportunity to ask the BCUC to order BC Hydro to implement programs for low income residential ratepayers including a discounted rate for electricity, low income customer rules, and a crisis intervention fund.

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